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Monday, December 29, 2014

The Goldsmith's Apprentice by Kirsten Anderson

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Book: The Goldsmith’s Apprentice
Author: Kirsten Anderson
ISBN: 978-0-02-202981-4

Chapter 1: A Glorious Day in Florence

1. Signor Agnolo is the owner of the goldsmith shop.
2. Piero
3. Benvenuto Cellini
4. He was going to deliver some sketches.
5. Signor Agnolo had 6 apprentices

Chapter 2: A Promise to Keep

6. The Duke of Cosimo
7. They all went to watch the parade of the wedding party.
8. He tossed coins to them.
9. They bought oranges.
10. They decided to practice their sketching.
11. They encountered a royal party taking a stroll along the River Arno.
12. She was visiting from Florence.

Chapter 3: Working Undercover

13. A servant of Principessa Maria.
14. He wanted to give Cellini a bag of jewels.
15. They lived in the attic.
16. Signor Agnolo caught them.
17. She paid him 10 crowns.
18. He gave Signor Agnolo 6 crowns.
19. Piero only received 1 crown.

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