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Monday, December 29, 2014

The Divide by Elizabeth Kay

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Answer Key to Reading Comprehension Questions
Book Title: the Divided
Author: Elizabeth Kay

Chapter 1
1. man
2. insects
3. armadillo
4. 13
5. Costa Rica
6. parasitic plants
7. ocean water from the Atlantic goes to the Pacific.  Ocean water from the Pacific goes to the Atlantic.
8. She has a long nose and a snaky neck
9. Betony and Tansy’s brother
10. they are teenagers
11. Agrimony
12. Agrimony seemed to think she was better than others because she had the latest of everything
13. Geddon
14. leg
15. they turned to stone
16. worrits, brazzles, vampreys, flamebird, and brittlehorns
17. creatures that are shy and only speak to elders
18. Brazzles, they are clever who hoard gold and are fierce.  They peck eyes out.
19. treasure
20. Andria
21. The brittlehorn was sick
22. water
23. Silvershank

Chapter 2
1. no
2. true
3. yes
4. brazzle or griffin
5. electrical devices
6. worrit
7. answers will vary
8. answers will vary
9. true
10. worrit, true
11. worrit
12. sly and calculating
13. answers will vary

Chapter 3
1. Betony
2. Answers will vary
3. Answers will vary
4. Answers will vary
5. Answers will vary
6. Felix blew out the candle
7. Militia, badges
8. Pixie
9. A japegrin dressed in a worrit costume
10. At first the audience thought it was a worrit that was making them laugh and they ran a risk of laughing to death
11. business
12. japegrin
13. untrustworthy
14. GP (Global Panaceas)
15. Answers will vary
16. Answers will vary
17. No
18. A message that Silvershank is ill

Chapter 4
1. true
2. waterfall
3. There was a giant puddle of mud that the brittlehorns bathed in.
4. true
5. answers will vary
6. answers will vary
7. Young Horse
8. Snowdrift
9. Milklegs
10. Answers will vary
11. Potions are being invented there
12. dragons
13. Snowdrift
14. Chalky

Chapter 5
1. A place where you can see the future or the present through a crystal ball.
2. brownies
3. Ramson and Tansy
4. Sister is with a human
5. The same thing as the wizened little ragamucky
6. Answers will vary
7. To tell him about the boy
8. Doesn’t see the benefit
9. Find out how he got here to go to his world
10. Phoenix
11. Two sinistroms
12. Architrex and Vomidor
13. Get rid off Woodsmoke and Betony, find Felix
14. They killed her
15. Answers will vary

Chapter 6
1. No
2. A sinistrom
3. Answers will vary
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. Architrex
7. Pebbles
8. Flame-bird
9. Grisette and Agrimony
10. Progg, a diggeluck

Chapter 7
1. Drokking
2. Answers will vary
3. Oats in an oatcake
4. Oatcakes
5. Eating the oatcakes
6. Snowdrift put a spell on them
7. Answers will vary

Chapter 8
1. Sulphur
2. Agrimony’s mother
3. Grisette
4. Agrimony and Tansy
5. Architrex
6. A cave
7. Shopping complex
8. Tight-fitting violet suit and a pointed hat with magenta stars on it
9. Granitelegs
10. It smell delicious with the burning charcoal
11. Run-down
12. Affluent

Chapter 9
1. Ball point pen
2. Emerald green
3. She wanted to clean Felix’s room
4. Shrimp, strawberries and cream, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding
5. Larvae or creepy-biters
6. Lickit toes
7. Compass and flashlight
8. Yes, explainations will vary
9. They made him disappear
10. Grimspite
11. It appeared when Ironclaw pecked a pebble at the top of Tromm Fell
12. Yes
13. Yes
14. Answers will vary
15. Answers will vary
16. Progg and Ramsom
17. Using a magnet
18. Andria

Chapter 10
1. (A) He saw it in the pool
2. the pool can be sued as a crystal ball
3. When the weather is right
4. Being shot by a crossbow by a jail guard
5. Dozover
6. An alligator-hippo (river-fatty)
7. (B) Squill
8. (C) potion
9. 5 gold coins
10. Snakeweed’s beak remedy
11. Expiration date

Chapter 11
1. Alison
2. David
3. performing some sort of spell
4. “I think you should have lit a couple of candles.”
5. To find candles
6. How to use a compass, magnetism, and the concept of dividing
7. Everything especially the concept of direction into degrees
8. Wanted posters of Ramson
9. Squill
10. Sinistrom (Vomidor)
11. He is staying at one of the crystal-ball places

Chapter 12
1. Answers will vary
2. a) making gold  b) changing the seasons  c) bringing someone back from the dead
3. a) light fires and put them out   b) make people feel better and make them sick   c) locks doors and unlocks them
4. no
5. Guilds
6. A professional tangler
7. Dance festivals
8. Answers will vary
9. A bird
10. A cat
11. Church
12. Architrex
13. Yes because of the bubbles

Chapter 13
1. Hunters
2. They told him to lie on his back with his legs in the air
3. Japegrins
4. Coats
5. Andria
6. They turned to flowers then they died
7. Biggest library anywhere plus books from all over and any subject
8. Flintfeather
9. Apothecary, mathematician
10. Plum
11. Sunrise
12. Farmland
13. No
14. Beginning of the modern age

Chapter 14
1. Agrimony
2. diggeluck, “Dibber”
3. Andria
4. Architrex
5. Offer the brazzle a contract to research into the dimension question
6. If the brazzle has developed a taste for tangle-children, then it will provide as many as he wants
7. stone
8. London, United Kingdom
9. Oxford and Cambridge
10. Windows on each side
11. wood
12. Yes
13. Wise-hoof
14. (A) faun
15. they are scribers
16. Thornbeak
17. Stonetalon

Chapter 15
1. (A) A shreddermouth
2. An alligator/crocodile
3. ( C ) Gulp
4. lickits
5. not recently because of their taste
6. before it was sweet and now bitter and not edible after a few days
7. yes
8. yes
9. let them rot in the ground
10. they burn them
11. they throw them into the canal
12. Gobble
13. Sludge
14. yes
15. long black dress and a tangle-cap
16. yes
17. yes

Chapter 16
1. a) they make infrasonic noises  b) communicate   c) go back to places where friends of theirs have died  d) they pick up their bones and stroke them
2. yes
3. Thornbeak
4. To become her apprentice
5. Historian

Chapter 17
1. 7
2. rainbow color
3. A necklace
4. Strength in Feathers by Flintfeather
5. True
6. Tansy
7. distribute posters
8. growing his own herbs and not pay herb gatherers
9. flamebird
10. looked in the window of the palace library for a book
11. answers will vary

Chapter 18
1. They depended on Snakeweed for their livelihoods.  They didn’t want problems.
2. The ragamuckies
3. The digglelucks
4. The tangle-folk
5. No, not all.  Some owners continued promoting his remedies.
6. People started burning them down
7. Yes, 2 japegrins died
8. No
9. Books
10. A ragamucky
11. He punched her in the stomach
12. “You’re dead”
13. No, Squill got away on a wise-hoof
14. Felix said Ramson was clever
15. Agrimony and Betony
16. Stonetalon
17. Forty or so
18. Vomidor and Stonetalon
19. Stonetalon
20. Vomidor died by choking on Stonetalon’s feather

Chapter 19
1. rainbow juice
2. the names of the mythical statues
3. frothy soufflé of different toadstools
4. If her and Tansy could look around the palace before they leave
5. portraits of previous kings, queens, and dancers
6. the embroidered tapestries
7. “The Song of the Flame-Bird.  Strength in Feathers”
8. yes
9. no
10. (A) the lodging house
11. no
12. that Felix had fallen ill
13. the beach
14. 3 brazzles
15. a feather from a brazzle
16. yes
17. Ironclaw said that he and Stonetalon worked very hard on the dimension spell for them not to try it.
18. Electricity
19. 70 yrs or so
20. True
21. The future
22. The brazzles need one day to finish the spell.  They will meet at Tiratattle and fly everyone (including Ramson and Agrimony) back to Tromm Fell to send Felix back.
23. A scientist

Chapter 20
1. Armadillo
2. Cows (A)
3. Yes
4. The different range of foods found in a mythical world
5. Dining out on mythical beasts
6. Tiratattle
7. Ragamucky Quarter
8. Diggeluck
9. Heroes
10. Troublemakers of the worst sort
11. Geddon
12. Gulp
13. Gobble’s lair
14. They want to go to Geddon
15. Yes
16. Yes
17. Felix
18. Betony
19. 2 days
20. The British Library
21. A lecture at the Royal Institution
22. Grisette (B)
23. Agrimony’s mother
24. All the crystal ball parlors were destroyed
25. Gobble (C)
26. Hid Tansy and Ramson until Agrimony arrived

Chapter 21
1. 1 month
2. Granitelegs
3. Ironclaw’s calculations
4. His response was that he will need to remember the spell
5. One of his feather
6. The healing spell
7. His ballpoint pen and compass
8. His book
9. Snakeweed
10. Architrex
11. Insects and hummingbirds
12. Costa Rica
13. The Study Center
14. Miguel (A)
15. He said they went back to England
16. a jaguar
17. San Jose
18. a bird
19. Miguel
20. shot, he died
21. In London
22. An airport
23. The Study Center
24. Houses
25. A woman watching tv
26. A tv
27. A truck
28. He said it is a miracle because he is cured

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