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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Under The Sea by Jaime Joyce

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 21
Date: April 15, 2016
Article: Under The Sea
Author:  Jaime Joyce

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1. Sylvia Earle is a world famous oceanographer.
2. Cabo Pulmo is in Mexico.
3. Cabo Pulmo Youth Center is in Mexico.
4. Sylvia Alice Earle was born on August 30, 1935.
5. Sylvia Alice Earle was born in Gibbstown, New Jersey.
6. Sylvia Alice Earle started Mission Blue.
7. Mission Blue protects the oceans.
8. Sylvia Alice Earle calls the oceans the "blue heart" of the planet.
9. Hope Spots are areas of the ocean that are either protected or in need of protection.
10. There are 59 Hope Spots in the world.
11. What caused the drop in fish was the overfishing of the area in the 1980s.
12. Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park is an area that the fish are protected and you can't fish.
13. 1995 was the year that the Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park was created.
14. Kip Evans is the Director of Photography and Expeditions for Mission Blue.
15. The fish population has grown by 500%.


Ugly but Tasty by Melanie Kletter

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 21
Date: April 15, 2016
Article: Ugly but Tasty
Author:  Melanie Kletter

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1. More than a quarter of food that is produced is thrown away and never makes it to stores.
2. Natural Resources Defense Council provided the data in question 1.
3. Giant Eagle is a food chain that started selling imperfect fruits and vegetables.
4. Giant Eagle calls these imperfect fruits and vegetables "produce with personality."
5. Whole Foods said, "it would start carrying ugly produce in some stores."
6. Whole Foods is working with Imperfect Produce.
7. Ben Simon, Head of Imperfect Produce, said "We have found that people care about food waste, and they are open-minded about eating foods that look a little wonky."


Shell Game by Glenn Greenberg

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 21
Date: April 15, 2016
Article: Shell Game
Author:  Glenn Greenberg

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1. The Ploughshare is the name of one of the world's most endangered tortoise.
2. Less than 300 ploughshare tortoises exist in the wild.
3. The tortoise lives in Madagascar.
4. Richard Lewis is the director of Madagascar operations for the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust.
5. Answers will vary
6. People want to own the ploughshare tortoise.
7. China has an appetite to own these tortoises.
8. The buyers of these tortoises are compared to collectors of coins and stamps.
9. Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust is carving numbers into each tortoise to make them less attractive to poachers and buyers.
10. No, the drilling does not hurt the tortoise.
11. yes, the Madagascar Government approved the drilling.
12. Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust is working to increase the number of tortoises by breading them.
13. Answers will vary
14. Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust started their breeding program in 1986.


Let The Sun Shine! by Glenn Greenberg

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 21
Date: April 15, 2016
Article: Let the Sun Shine!
Author:  Glenn Greenberg

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1. Ouarzazate is in Morocco.
2. Ouarzazate's power station is called "Noor 1."
3. Noor in Arabic means light.
4. The Government of Morocco plans to build 3 solar power plants.
5. The cost to building 3 power plants is $3.9 billion.
6. The Government of Morocco plans to build 3 power plants by 2018.
7. No, they continue working.
8. The mirrors capture light.
9. The light heats up the liquid that is mixed with water.
10. The light heats up the liquid mixed with water to create steam.
11. Steam powers the engines.
12. Noor 1 produces power 3 hours after the sun goes down.
13. The government wants the power plant to be operational for 20 hours a day.
14. 8 hours is the goal for the power plant to store power per day after sunset.
15. Yes, Morocco has very little oil and gas.
16. 3%
17. Morocco has 3,000 hours of sunlight per year.
18. Hakima El Haite is a Junior Minister for the Environment.
19. Morocco will get its independence from having to buy oil and gas from other countries by the Noor Project or Noor Power Plant 1,2, 3.
20. Solar Energy will help Morocco reduce gases that pollute the environment.


Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Girl from Chimel by Rigoberta Menchu

Book: The Girl from Chimel
Author: Rigoberta Menchu and Dante Liano
ISBN-13: 978-0-88899-666-4

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Chapter 1: The Girl from Chimel

1. Rigoberta is the name of the little girl.
2. Chimel is the name of the village when it is large.
3. Laj Chimel is the name of the village when it is small.
4. Don Benjamin Aguare is a wise elder from Chimel.

Chapter 2: My Grandfather

1. Rigoberta's grandfather arrived to Chimel about 100 years ago.
2. Rigoberta's grandfather got to Chimel by walking.
3. Chiquimula is a village.
4. Chiquimulas are people from Chiquimula.
5. Chiquimula means goldfinch.
6. Don Juan Us Chic is another Chimel elder.
7. Rigoberta's grandfather found a delightful girl.
8. Yes, Rigoberta's grandfather asked for the girl's hand in marriage.
9. The girl's parents said no to Rigoberta's father.
10. Answers will vary
11. Yes, Chimel has a river.
12. Yes, Chimel's river had fish.
13. Frogs and snakes ate the crabs in Chimel.
14. Yellow, black, red, and white are the colors of the four corners of the universe.
15. Grandmother wanted to build 100 houses and 100 cornfields.
16. Ajaw is the Maker and Creator of all.
17. Rigoberta's grandfather founded the village of Chimel.

Chapter 3: My Grandfather's Stories

1. Their grandfather said Ajaw made them from different corn and wanted them to be different like the landscape.
2. Answers will vary
3. The Mayan and Spaniard tales are alike because people are alike.
4. Hell is the place where the devil lives.
5. Xib'ab'a is the place where the evil lords live.
6. Luis says "hell begins in Xib'ab'a.
7. Answers will vary
8. Jun aj Pu and Ix B'alam Kej are the names of the two boys that lived long ago.
9. The two boys protected cornfields.
10. The tail fell off when it tried to escape from Jun aj Pu.
11. The mouse gets its bulging eyes from Ix B'alam Kej grabbing it by its throat and squeezing tightly.
12. The mouse lost all the hair on its tail when it got away from Ix B'alam Kej.
13. Grandfather liked telling stories from Pop Vuh.
14. The book is from his Mayan ancestors.

Chapter 4: The Wandering Piglet

1. Mom took a piglet as a pet.
2. Mom took care of piglet by bathing him in the river and walking him everywhere she went.
3. Ajaw lived in the Chimel mountains.
4. The nahualas or spirits live with Ajaw.
5. Spirits are nuhualas.
6. You hear coyotes howling in the distance.
7. Mom ran after the coyote.
8. Yes, mother was successful in saving the piglet.

Chapter 5: The Plants and the Forest

1. Flowers, tree leaves, mosses and lichens have a language of their own.
2. Flowers, tree leaves, mosses and lichens listen and understand when you speak to them.
3. Rigoberta's mom gave her herbal teas.
4. Chipilin is a sweet-tasting plant.
5. Hot broth from the altenxa plant is what you would take if you had a stomachache.
6. Xew xew gets rid off headaches and eye strain.
7. Saq ixog is good for stomachaches.
8. Chila-cayote leaves heal foot injuries.
9. K'a q'eyes cured colds and flus.
10. Sik'aj helps get worms out of your stomach.
11. Grandparents taught mother plant knowledge.
12. Midwife was mother's vocation.

Chapter 6: Grandfather and the Cornfield

1. The little man was not bigger than 2 feet tall.
2. Answers will vary
3. Nahual is a source of power.
4. Duende is a good spirit.
5. Answer will vary
6. Animals are greedy like people.
7. Answers will vary

Chapter 7: The Story Behind My Name

1. Laj Mi'n was Rigoberta's name as a baby.
2. Chuch Mi'n will be Rigoberta's name when she is respected and have some knowledge about life.
3. Mi'n is one way to say domingo or Sunday in K'iche.
4. Mi'n means having the best in life.
5. Rigoberta takes great pleasure in living.
6. Rigoberta is an optomist.
7. Don Vicente is Rigoberta's dad father.
8. The clerk wouldn't register Li Mi'n because he felt the name didn't exist.
9. The clerk gave Rigoberta her name.
10. Li Mi'n was registered as Rigoberta because she was born on Saint Rigoberto's Day.
11. Beta or Tita is Rigoberta's nickname.
12. Laj Mi'n or Mi'n are other names that Rigoberta's family calls her at home.

Chapter 8: The Story of My Birth

1. She placed part of Rigoberta's umbilical cord as a necklace for Rigoberta to wear.  Once it dried and fell off it was a form as "thanks" to Mother Earth.
2. Mother burns the cord to be born again and thank nature.
3. Rigoberta's mother buries the cord to bind her to nature.
4. Rigoberta's mother feel that when we leave the earth, we feel sadness because part of us stays behind as part of the air, the water, and the ground.
5. The nahual is the creature we are born with.
6. Chuch qajaw is the name of the nahual's spiritual leaders.
7. The nahual can be a tiger, lion, coyote, bear, puma, will boar, robin redbreast, swan, stork, gazelle, pig, mouse, and fox.
8. Answers will vary

Chapter 9: When I Was a Little Girl in Chimel...

1. Patrocinio is Rigoberta's brother.
2. Panela is chunky, hard brown sugar.
3. Panela was eaten with blackberries.
4. Rigoberta's family cultivated honey.
5. Rigoberta's village during rainy season ate mushrooms.

Chapter 10: The Curse of the Bees

1. Answers will vary
2. Mama burned a substance to ward off evil spirits.
3. The substance is called "Pom."
4. Bees are sacred in Rigoberta's village.
5. The escape of the bees led to an evil curse.

Chapter 11: The Story of the River That Changed Its Course

1. You had to cross a coffee field to reach the river in Chimel.
2. War began and the river disappeared.
3. No, the river doesn't run through Chimel today.
4. The river can return by an act of kindness.

Chapter 12: The Sacred Mountain

1. Blackberries, strawberries, raspberries were available in the mountain.
2. Rigoberta said that the plum tree leaves are sweet.
3. An owl is the tukur or k'urpup.
4. A sanate is a bird that imitates the song of other birds.
5. The sanate bird eats the newly planted corn kernels.
6. Bird songs was the type of music in Rigoberta's childhood.
7. Rigoberta ate tortillas with black beans, guacamole or green peppers when she reached the top of the mountain.

Chapter 13: When I Was A Girl

1. Answers will vary
2. Answers will vary
3. Answers will vary

The pride and pitfalls of being a black role model by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Magazine: Time Magazine
Date: March 28, 2016
Article: The pride and pitfalls of being a black role model
Page: 62
Author:  Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

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1. 64% of Americans believe in the American Dream.
2. 18-29 year olds think the American Dream is dead.
3. Harvard Institute of Politics conducted the poll.
4. 48%
5. Bruce Springsteen said, "I have spent my life judging the distance between American reality and the American Dream."
6. Answers will vary
7. A) Police killing unarmed African Americans, B) Voter ID laws keeping poor minorities from the ballot, C) Federal Government being cut that offer food and medical care, D) Assaults on affirmative action, E) Inferior education for poorer children
8. Answers will vary
9. Answers will vary
10. Answers will vary
11. Answers will vary
12. African Americans and Hispanics have the most faith in the American Dream.
13. CNN/Kaiser Family Foundation conducted the poll.
14. The poll was conducted in 2015.
15. 55% of African Americans believe in the American Dream.
16. 52% of Hispanics believe in the American Dream.
17. 35% of Whites believe in the American Dream.
18. Answers will vary
19. Answers will vary


Inside Apple's Code War, The World's most powerful tech company is fighting the FBI on terrorism. Why? by Lev Grossman

Magazine: Time Magazine
Date: March 28, 2016
Article: Inside Apple's Code War, The World's most powerful tech company is fighting the FBI on terrorism.  Why?
Page: 44
Author:  Lev Grossman

Comment:  This article is in Apple's perspective.  It is a good introduction for middle school and high school students to understand the issue in hand.

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1. The FBI recovered an iPhone 5c the day after the massacre in San Bernardino, CA.
2. The iPhone 5C was running iOS9 operating system.
3. The iPhone 5c was on the Verizon Network.
4. The iPhone 5c's serial number is FFMNQ3MTG2DJ.
5. The iPhone 5c was programmed to erase itself after 10 wrong guesses.
6. San Bernardino County owned the iPhone 5c.
7. San Bernardino County and Apple didn't have the encrypted pass code.
8. Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple.
9. Apple's headquarters is in Cupertino, California.
10. San Bernardino County reset the iCloud password.
11. The FBI wanted Apple to code up a new version of iOS9 without the 10-guess limit and then persuade the San Bernardino phone to install it.
12. GovtOS, FBI request, is what they call it at Apple.
13. On February 16, 2016, the FBI obtained a court order from a federal judge that required Apple to create GovtOS under something called the All Writs Act.
14. Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights
15. Their reason was technical.  They were afraid that if they created GovtOS, it may get out to the public and compromise every iPhone everywhere.
16. GovtOS will be the Holy Grail for Hackers.
17. Peter Swire and Kenesa Ahmad coined this time as the Golden Age of Surveillance.
18. Encryption is the technology in 1993 that the government was afraid of.
19. The Clipper Chip is a device that would encrypt digital communication while allowing the government to keep a key.
20. In 2000, the U.S. Government decided not to legislate encryption.
21. The Federal Office of Personnel Management got hacked and 22 million personal records were compromised.
22. The Federal Government and Apple will meet in federal court on March 22, 2016, in Riverside, California.


A Blow To The Head, The Mysterious Death of a Russian Mogul Could Lead Back to Putin's Court by Simon Shuster

Magazine: Time Magazine
Date: March 28, 2016
Article: A Blow To The Head, The Mysterious Death of a Russian Mogul Could Lead Back to Putin's Court
Page: 51
Author:  Simon Shuster

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1. Mikhail Yurievich Lesin was born in 1958.
2. Lesin's father took his family on vacation to Crimea.
3. Lesin got his degree in Engineering.
4. Lesin's first company was Video International.
5. Mikhail Yurievich Lesin came up with the slogan "I believe. I love. I hope."
6. Mikhail Lesin was called "The Bulldozer."
7. It is a Kremlin-funded station that broadcasts in several languages around the world.
8. Oil is what powered the Russian economy in 2012.
9. Russian citizens couldn't keep their money offshore.
10. Gleb Pavlovsky said, "The place you keep your treasure is the place you keep your heart."
11. Putin closed the loopholes on the ruling class from hiding their money offshore during their war with Ukraine in 2014.
12. Putin called his rule to bring your wealth back home, "De-off-shorization."
13. Roman Rotenberg is a businessman who had lived in Finland.
14. Roman Rotenberg's father is Billionaire Boris Rotenberg.
15. Vladimir Yakunin is the head of the state oil railway monopoly.
16. Andrei Yakunin applied for British citizenship.
17. Yuri Kovalchuk was added to the U.S. sanctions List in 2014.
18. Answers will vary


Monday, April 18, 2016

In Conversation: Misty Copeland and Barack Obama

Magazine: Time Magazine
Date: March 28, 2016
Article: In Conversation: Misty Copeland and Barack Obama
Page: 56
Author:  Maya Rhodan

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1. Answers will vary
2. Answers will vary
3. Misty Copeland is looking at President Obama as a mentor.
4. President Obama has embraced Misty Copeland as a role model for young people.
5. One of President Obama's failures in his presidency is to bridge the nation's political divide.
6. Answers will vary
7. Answers will vary
8. Answers will vary
9. Answers will vary
10. Young African-American, Latino, Asian, LGBT youth face their schools not offering any extracurricular activities and the school being underfunded.
11. President Obama says on page 59, "there's always been affirmative action, it just hasn't always been minority focused, right."  He gave an example of a big university donation and your child getting accepted by the university.  President Obama compared affirmative action to legacies.
12. Answers will vary
13. The idea is to reach young men of color.
14. Young men of color are channeled into destructive behavior, dropping out of school, and the prison pipeline.
15. True
16. No
17. True


Why poverty is sexist by Melinda Gates

Magazine: Time Magazine
Date: March 28, 2016
Article: Why poverty is sexist
Page: 30
Author:  Melinda Gates

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1. Bono is the lead singer for the band U2 and co-founder of the One Campaign.
2. Melinda Gates is working with Bono to get the message out that "poverty is sexist."
3. Girls are more likely to be impoverished than boys.
4. Girls are less likely to get an education.
5. Girls are more likely to get bad health.
6. Answers will vary
7. Some of the unpaid work that women do are cooking, cleaning, and caring.
8. Answers will vary
9. If women don't have free time they will not finish their education, learn new skills, open a business or even go to the doctor.
10. We need to distribute the burden of work on women so they can have time to invest in themselves and their ideas.


Monday, April 11, 2016

Why the rise in food-poisoning reports is actually a good thing by Alexandra Sifferling

Magazine: Time Magazine
Date: March 28, 2016
Article: Why the rise in food-poisoning reports is actually a good thing
Page: 27
Author:  Alexandra Sifferlin

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1. Chipotle has been hit with a food safety nightmare since summer 2015.
2. Chipotle customers were infected with norovirus, salmonella, E.coli.
3. Chipotle is a Tex-Mex food chain.
4. Starbucks sandwiches were pulled because they had possible contamination of listeria.
5. PulseNet is a sophisticated government pathogen-tracking system.
6. PulseNet takes advantage of whole-genome sequencing by getting accurate DNA fingerprints of microbes.
7. PulseNet allows experts to identify outbreaks quicker.
8. The PulseNet software connects individual food-poisoning cases that stem from the same source.
9. Dr. Robert Tauxe oversees food-safety issues at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
10. The acronym for U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is C.D.C.
11. PulseNet was launched in 1996.
12. PulseNet has detected 1 billion pounds of tainted food.
13. Answers will vary
14. Answers will vary
15. 2015 listeria outbreak caused by Blue Bell Ice Cream killed 3 people and lasted 5 years.


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Putin's wily Syria tactics pay off by Ian Bremmer

Magazine: Time Magazine
Date: March 28, 2016
Article: Putin's wily Syria tactics pay off
Page: 16
Author:  Ian Bremmer

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1. Answers will vary
2. The Russians are pulling out of Syria on March 14, 2016.
3. Tartus is the naval base that Russia leases in Syria.
4. Russia only has one naval base outside of the former Soviet territory.
5. Yes, Russia has access to a Syrian air base.
6. An air-defense system will protect access to the Syrian air base and the Russian naval base.
7. Moscow reserves the right to drop more bombs as it deems necessary.
8. Putin's goals in Syria were 1) re-establish Russia as a fully independent power broker, 2) change the subject from a conflict in Ukraine, 3) convince Europeans that Russia could help manage the crisis that has flooded Europe with refugees
9. The Russian government gets its money from the sale of oil and gas.
10. Putin is betting the European Union will lift sanctions against Russia.
11. Putin was reminding Assad that he needs Russia to stay in power.
12. Answers will vary
13. Answers will vary
14. Answers will vary
15. Answers will vary


The Brief, When can Merrick Garland be confirmed? After the election, maybe by Michael Duffy

Magazine: Time Magazine
Date: March 28, 2016
Article: The Brief, When can Merrick Garland be confirmed?  After the election, maybe
Page: 13
Author:  Michael Duffy

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1. Merrick Garland has made it to the final rounds of the Supreme Court nomination 2 times.
2. Merrick Garland is the Chief Judge of the D.C. Circuit.
3. Sonia Sotomayor was chosen instead of Merrick Garland in 2009 for Supreme Court Judge.
4. Elena Kagan was chosen instead of Merrick Garland for the 2010 Supreme Court Judge position.
5. By Justice Antonin Scalia dying, that opened the position for Merrick Garland.
6. Merrick Garland is 63 years old.
7. The ally that Garland has is law-enforcement.
8. Garland's biggest Republican ally is Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah.
9. Yes, Garland is known at the top law schools.
10. President Obama is trying to drain some of the ugliness of the process.
11. Garland went to Harvard University and graduated in 1974.
12. Garland graduated law school in 1977 from Harvard University.
13. Merrick Garland's religion is Judaism (Jewish).
14. Merrick Garland has 2 daughters.
15. Merrick Garland clerked for Supreme Court Justice William Brennan Jr. after graduating law school.


Obama aims to nudge change along with historic Cuba visit by Julia Zorthian

Magazine: Time Magazine
Date: March 28, 2016
Article: Obama aims to nudge change along with historic Cuba visit
Page: 15
Author:  Julia Zorthian

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1. President Barack Obama is visiting Cuba on March 20th, 2016.
2. It has been 88 years since a U.S. President has visited Cuba.
3. Marriott, Carnival and American Airlines are 3 businesses that are ready to do business in Cuba.
4. Cuba's tourism industry is $2.7 billion.
5. The U.S. Congress is the one that can lift the five-decades-old embargo on trade with Cuba.
6. When Cuba improves its human-rights record the U.S. Congress will lift the Cuban embargo.
7. Cuba detained 1,414 people in 2015.
8. The critics are saying that Obama is propping up a regime.
9. Answers will vary


Sunday, April 3, 2016

Are You Ready to Rock? by Jordan Miller

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 17
Date: February 26, 2016
Article: Are You Ready to Rock?
Author:  Jordan Miller

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1. The lead guitarist in the Broadway musical "School of Rock" is Brandon Niederauer.
2. The Broadway musical is based on the 2003 movie called School of Rock.
3. Andrew Lloyd Webber composed the music for the show.
4. Answers will vary
5. Yes, all the kids in the show play their own instruments.
6. The new songs on the show are "Stick It to the Man," "You're in the Band," "Teacher's Pet"


No More Snow Days by Glenn Greenberg

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 18
Date: March 4, 2016
Article: No More Snow Days
Author:  Glenn Greenberg

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1. Delphi Community Elementary School is located in Camden, Indiana.
2. Greg Briles is the Delphi Superintendent.
3. Answers will vary
4. Students have 180 days of school.


A Home for Elephants by Andrea Delbanco

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 18
Date: March 4, 2016
Article: A Home for Elephants
Author:  Andrea Delbanco

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1. Elephant calves are about 3 feet tall.
2. Elephant calves weigh about 220 lbs.
3. Lilayi Elephant Nursery is the location for baby elephants.
4. The Elephant Orphanage Project is located in Zambia.
5. The keepers feed and care for the baby elephants.
6. Small calves are taken to Kafue National Park.
7. Oliver Munyama said, "we first train them to get in the turck."


Fly Me to Mars-and Beyond! by Time for Kids

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 18
Date: March 4, 2016
Article: Fly Me to Mars-and Beyond!
Author:  Time For Kids

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1. There were 18,300 applications that were received for the 2017 NASA Astronaut Class.
2. NASA received 6,000 astronaut applications in 2012.
3. The previous record for most applications received for an astronaut class was in 1978 with 8,000 applications.
4. It will take 18 months for NASA to interview all the applicants.
5. There will only be 8-14 applicants accepted to the NASA Astronaut Training Program.
6. Astronauts will train for 2 years.
7. They will study spacecraft systems, spacewalking skills, and Russian.


Stephen Curry's Big Show by Sean Gregory

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 17
Date: February 26, 2016
Article: Stephen Curry's Big Show
Author:  Sean Gregory

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1. The Golden State Warriors won the 2014-2015 NBA Championship.
2. Stephen Curry's jersey is up in sales by 500%.
3. True
4. Stephen Curry is making more than 5 three-pointers per game.
5. Jerry West is the Golden State Warriors' Executive Board Member.
6. Stephen Curry wants a second straight MVP award and another NBA Title.
7. Stephen Curry made 166 three-pointers his Rookie Year.
8. Stephen Curry made 151 three-pointers his second season.
9. Stephen Curry set a single-season NBA record in 2012-2013.
10. Stephen Curry made 272 three-pointers to set the NBA record.
11. In 2014-2015 Stephen Curry broke his own record for three-pointers made.
12. Stephen Curry made 286 three-pointers to break his own record.


A League of Their Own by Melanie Kletter

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 19
Date: March 18, 2016
Article: A League of Their Own
Author:  Melanie Kletter

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1. National Women's Hockey League (NWHL) is the name of the women's professional hockey league.
2. True, The National Women's Hockey League is the first American league to pay women to play ice hockey.
3. The National Women's Hockey League has four teams.
4. The teams are located in northeast part of the U.S.
5. Dani Rylan is the commissioner and founder of the National Women's Hockey League.
6. The league has just finished its first year.


Bug Business by Glenn Greenberg

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 19
Date: March 18, 2016
Article: Bug Business
Author:  Glenn Greenberg

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1. Bitty Foods is based in San Francisco, California.
2. Crickets are the special ingredients in the flour.
3. Megan Miller is the cofounder of Bitty Foods.
4. Megan Miller got the idea to start the company after reading a 2013 United Nations report.
5. About 2 billion people eat inspects around the world.
6. Insects are good for people because they have protein, vitamins, fiber, and minerals.
7. Crickets taste like nuts.
8. Jarrod Goldin is the cofounder of Entomo Farms.
9. 2,000 gallons of water are used to produce one pound of meat protein.
10. One gallon of water is used to produce one pound of insect protein.
11. Insects were fed by food waste.
12. Entomo Farms is located in Ontario, Canada.
13. Katharina Unger is the creator of the Livin Farms Hive.
14. The mild-flavored mealworms can produce a pound per week.
15. Customers will feed the mealworms bread crumbs and vegetable scraps.
16. There are about 1,900 insects that are safe to eat.


Teaching Respect by Heather Price-Wright

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 19
Date: March 18, 2016
Article: Teaching Respect
Author:  Heather Price-Wright

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1. Rujuta Teredesai created the organization Equal Community Foundation.
2. Equal Community Foundation is located in the city of Pune.
3. Equal Community Foundation is located in the country of Indian.
4. Equal Community Foundation services 40,000 people.
5. Mentors of Equal Community Foundation teach boys to respect girls.
6. The boys make different projects to spread tolerance.


Panda Politics by Hannah Beech

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 18
Date: March 4, 2016
Article: Panda Politics
Author:  Hannah Beech

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1. Wolong National Nature Reserve is China's national panda reserve.
2. Zhang Hemin came up with the idea for the panda costumes.
3. Zhang Hemin is the name of the director of the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda.
4. Pandas eat bamboo.
5. There are around 1,864 pandas in the wild.
6. Zhang Hemin said pandas were meat eaters in the past.
7. U.S. President Richard Nixon visited China in 1972.
8. China gave the U.S. two pandas after U.S. President Richard Nixon visited China in 1972.
9. The name of the baby panda is "Bei Bei."
10. China lends its pandas for 10 years at a time.
11. China charges $1 million per year per pair to lend its pandas to other countries.
12. True
13. China uses the money to pay for research and habitat protection.


A Year in Space by Time for Kids

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 19
Date: March 18, 2016
Article: A Year in Space
Author:  Time For Kids

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1. Scott Kelly landed in Kazakhstan when he returned to Earth.
2. Scott Kelly was in space for 340 days.
3. Kelly was aboard the International Space Station.
4. The International Space Station is 250 miles above Earth.
5. Kelly has done 4 missions to space.
6. Kelly made 3 spacewalks while in space.
7. There were more than 450 experiments were conducted while he was in space.
8. NASA plans to send astronauts to Mars in 2030.


Mars Mission Blasts Off by Time for Kids

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 20
Date: March 25, 2016
Article: Mars Mission Blasts Off
Author:  Time for Kids

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1. An unmanned spacecraft was launched aboard a Russian rocket.
2. The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter was an unmanned spacecraft.
3. The unmanned spacecraft was launch on March 14, 2016.
4. The unmanned spacecraft is suppose to reach Mars in October.
5. The European and Russian space agencies are working together on this mission.
6. Paolo Ferri is head of mission operations for the European Space Agency.
7. One part of the orbiter is the ability to study gases in the Mars atmosphere.
8. The other part of the orbiter is a lander that will study dust storms.
9. The ExoMars will be looking for Methane Gas.
10. The clue is to find methane gas.  If there is methane gas then they have to find its source.
11. NASA is planning a mission in 2018.
12. That mission will study the planets interior.


Friday, April 1, 2016

Star Ballerina by Elizabeth Winchester

Time For Kids
Edition 3-4
February 5, 2016
Vol. 6, No. 16

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1. Misty was 13 years old.
2. It was at the Boys and Girls Club in San Pedro, California.
3. Cynthia Bradley was Misty’s first ballet teacher.
4. Misty was 17 years old when she started with the American Ballet Theater.
5. The American Ballet Theater is one of the world’s best theater company.
6. In 2012, Misty got hurt.
7. The American Ballet Theater is 75 years old.
8. On June 30, 2015 Misty became the principal dancer for the American Ballet Theater.
9. Misty’s latest book is called Firebird.
10. Project Plie is the latest project Misty started with the American Ballet Theater.
11. The name of the program that uses the arts to help kids do better in school is called Turnaround Arts.
12. Project Plie offers top ballet training in communities where that training has not been available.
13. Rwanda is in Africa.
14. Mind Leaps started a dance program for girls in Rwanda.

American Ballet Theater
Misty Copeland
Project Plie
Mind Leaps
Turnaround Arts

Finding Planet 9 by Time for Kids

Time For Kids
Edition 3-4
February 5, 2016
Vol. 6, No. 16

Finding Planet 9 by Time for Kids

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1. California Institute of Technology
2. Caltech found signs of a large object in space.
3. Scientists at Caltech are saying it is the ninth planet in our solar system.
4. Scientists at Caltech are calling this object Planet 9.
5. No one has seen this object.
6. The scientists believe it exist by studying six objects near it.
7. These six objects travel around the sun in a similar path.
8. “The shape of an object’s orbit tells scientists a lot about what is near it.”
9. Mike Brown is the name of the Astronomer that was interviewed for the Time for Kids article.
10. Scientists think Planet 9 is 10 times the mass of Earth.
11. It will take Planet 9 20,000 years to circle the Earth.
12. There have only been 3 new discoveries of planets since ancient times.

Caltech Planet 9

Game On! by Elizabeth Winchester

Time For Kids
Edition 3-4
February 5, 2016
Vol. 6, No. 16

Game On! by Elizabeth Winchester

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1. Chloe Kim is the future of snowboarding.
2. The Winter Youth Olympic Games will be held in Lillehammer, Norway.
3. Chloe Kim is 15 years old.
4. You have to be 15-18 years old to compete in the Winter Youth Olympic Games.
5. 1,100 athletes will compete in the Winter Youth Olympic Games.
6. 71 countries will participate in the Winter Youth Olympic Games.
7. The Winter Youth Olympic Games will be held on February 12-21, 2016.
8. The 2018 Winter Olympics will be held in South Korea.
9. Jacques Rogge in 1989 came up with the idea of the Youth Olympic Games.
10. Singapore is host to the first Summer Youth Olympic Games.
11. Austria hosted the first Winter Youth Olympic Games.
12. The Youth Olympic Games take place every 4 years.
13. The Learn and Share Program help young athletes learn about health, sportsmanship, and friendship.


Taking A Stand by Elizabeth Winchester

Time For Kids
Edition 3-4
February 5, 2016
Vol. 6, No. 16

Taking a Stand by Elizabeth Winchester

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1. The first all standing school is Vallecito Elementary School.
2. The first all standing school is located in San Rafael, California.
3. Juliet Starrett started the group StandUp Kids.
4. The students feel happier, you're less tired, and you're more active.
5. Mark Benden is the Director of the Texas A&M Ergonomics Center.
6. Mark Benden said that research shows that kids using standing desks are more engaged and burn more calories.


Texas A&M Health Science Center

Vallecito Elementary School