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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Honoring King by

Article: Honoring King

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1. Answers will vary
2. Answers will vary
3. Martin Luther King lived between 1929-1968.
4. Civil Rights are entitlement of citizens to be treated equally and fairly by law.
5. Answers will vary
6. On the second paragraph, the four things black people were not allowed as white people to do were: 1) attend same school,  2) sit in the front of buses, 3) use separate bathrooms, and 4) drink from separate drinking fountains
7. Martin Luther King worked to change the unjust laws, he gave a speeches and organized peaceful marches and protests.
8. The name of the famous boycott was The Montgomery Bus Boycott.
9. Answers will vary
10. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that segregation on buses was illegal.
11. Martin Luther King delivered his famous, "I have a Dream" speech in 1963.
12. 200,000 people were in attendance to hear Martin Luther King's speech.
13. Martin Luther King made his speech in Washington D.C.
14. Martin Luther King's speech said that all people need to be treated fairly and equally under the law.
15. Civil Rights Laws protect the rights of all Americans.
16. The legacy of a leader is something he or she has accomplished that would benefit future generations.
17. Martin Luther King's legacy meant making the world a better place.
18. Answers will vary
19. Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia.
20. Martin Luther King received the Nobel Peace Prize on December 10, 1964.
21. Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.
22. Martin Luther King Day was first observed as a national holiday on January 20, 1986.

Walking Tall by

Article: Walking Tall

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1. Ruby Bridges' mother said to Ruby, "don't be afraid."
2. Ruby Bridges' mother said this to Ruby on November 4, 1960.
3. 4 Federal Court Marshalls escorted Ruby to school.
4. Ruby Bridge lived in New Orleans, Louisiana.
5. Ruby was in 1st grade.
6. Ruby attended William Frantz Public School.
7. A screaming mob was waiting for Ruby and the four U.S. Federal Court Marshalls.
8. The main idea on paragraph 3 was The U.S. was segregated.
9. Answers will vary
10. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that segregation in school was unconstitutional.
11. New Orleans was not following the Supreme Court's ruling that segregation at public schools was unconstitutional.
12. Answers will vary
13. Answers will vary
14. No, Ruby did not attend class on the first day of school.  Parents were pulling their kids out of school.
15. Barbara Henry was Ruby Bridges' teacher at William Frantz Public School.
16. There were no students in Ruby's classroom on the next day of school.
17. There were no students in Ruby's classroom the whole school year.
18. True, by the late 1960s, most schools in the United States were no longer segregated, thanks to the efforts of Civil Rights workers.
19. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 protected African Americans' rights to seek jobs.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Acknowledgements, by Brian Selznick

Book: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick

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  1. Brian Selznick read “Edison’s Eve: A Magical History of the Quest for Mechanical Life” by Gaby Wood.
  2. Brian Selznick visited the Franklin Institute.
  3. The automaton arrived to the Franklin Institute in 1928.
  4. The automaton wrote the name of Maillardet.
  5. You can see the automaton at http:://
  6. Senior Curator John Alviti arranged the meeting at the Franklin Institute.
  7. Charles Penniman showed Brian Selznick around the museum.
  8. Glenn Myrent is a film historian in Paris.
  9. Melinda Barlow is Associate Professor of Film Studies, University of Colorado at Boulder.
  10. Claudia Gorbman is Professor of Film Studies, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Program, University of Washington, Tacoma.
  11. Professor Tom Gunning sits on the Committee on Cinema and Media, University of Chicago.

The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Chapter 12, by Brian Selznick

Book: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick
Chapter 12: Winding It Up

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  1. Hugo’s automaton can produce 58 different pictures.
  2. Hugo’s automaton can write 26,159 words.

The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Chapter 11, by Brian Selznick

Book: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick
Chapter 11: The Magician

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  1. The French Film Academy raised money for the Melies Family.
  2. Rene Tabard intervened with the Melies family and the fundraising with the French Film Academy.
  3. The automaton was on the corner of Hugo’s bedroom.
  4. Etienne, Isabelle, and Hugo were going to the French Film Academy for an event.
  5. Isabelle handed Hugo a photo of him and his friends, Antoine and Louis.
  6. The French Film Academy was able to save over 80 films from Georges Melies.
  7. The last movie played at the event was “A Trip to the Moon.”
  8. Papa Georges sees the audience as dreamers.
  9. Papa Georges gave Hugo the name of Professor Alcofrisbas.
  10. Answers will vary

The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Chapter 10, by Brian Selznick

Book: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick
Chapter 10: A Train Arrives in the Station

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  1. Hugo was taken by the Station Inspector, Madame Emile, and Monsieur Frick to the Station Inspector’s cell in his office.
  2. Hugo ended up at the train tracks by running away from the Station Inspector and the two policemen..
  3. Answers will vary
  4. Answers will vary
  5. Hugo is twelve years old.
  6. Madame Emile confirmed Hugo’s story about his uncle being dead.
  7. Hugo went home with Isabelle and Papa Georges.

The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Chapter 9, by Brian Selznick

Book: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick
Chapter 9: The Ghost in the Station

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  1. Madame Emile was the name of the owner of the cafe.
  2. Monsieur Frick was the name of the newspaperman.
  3. The Seine River was the name of the river the body was found.
  4. The police found Uncle Claude’s body at the bottom of the river.
  5. Madame Emile said the station is haunted.
  6. The Station Inspector, Madame Emile, and Monsieur Frick burst into Hugo’s apartment.
  7. Hugo escaped the station by running away, but was caught by Madame Emile and Monsieur Frick.

The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Chapter 8, by Brian Selznick

Book: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick
Chapter 8: Opening the Door

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  1. Answers will vary
  2. Answers will vary
  3. Answers will vary
  4. Papa Georges’ parents were shoemakers.
  5. Answers will vary
  6. Papa Georges parents wanted Papa Georges to work in their factory.
  7. Papa Georges liked the machinery of the shoe factory.
  8. Papa Georges sold his share of the shoe factory and used to the money to buy the magic theater.
  9. Mama Jeanne was Papa Georges assistant at the magic theater.
  10. The Lumiere Brothers invented the movies.
  11. Answers will vary
  12. Papa Georges lost everything after the war.
  13. Isabelle’s parents died in a car accident.
  14. Isabelle’s dad was a cameraman in the movie industry.
  15. Isabelle’s mother was a teacher.
  16. Answers will vary
  17. Papa Georges burned his old sets and costumes.
  18. Answers will vary
  19. Papa Georges bought the toy booth with the money from the sale of his films.
  20. Papa Georges donated his automaton to a museum.

The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Chapter 7, by Brian Selznick

Book: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick
Chapter 7: The Visit

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  1. Isabelle bought Papa Georges medicine with the money earned at the toy booth.
  2. The clocks at the train station are off, the clocks are breaking down.
  3. Hugo was unable to fall asleep because he was excited about Etienne and Rene Tabard visiting Papa Georges.
  4. Answers will vary
  5. Answers will vary
  6. Etienne and Monsieur Tabard brought one of Papa Georges’ films.
  7. Hugo found a costume from a movie in the broken box in the armoire.
  8. The movie the costume was used in “A Trip to the Moon.”
  9. Answers will vary

The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Chapter 6, by Brian Selznick

Book: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick
Chapter 6: Purpose

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  1. Hugo opened the toy booth.
  2. Answers will vary
  3. Isabelle was reading a book of collection of Greek myths.
  4. Prometheus was a thief in Isabelle’s Greek myth book.
  5. Prometheus was stealing fire from the gods to create the movies.
  6. Answers will vary
  7. Answers will vary
  8. Answers will vary

Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick, Chapter 5

Book: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick
Chapter 5: Papa Georges Made Movies

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  1. Isabelle went to see Hugo.
  2. Papa Georges has a fever.
  3. Etienne introduced Hugo to his teacher who wrote the book, The Invention of Dreams: The Story of the First Movies Ever Made.
  4. Hugo invited Etienne and Rene Tabard to Isabelle’s apartment.
  5. Answers will vary
  6. Answers will vary

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick, Chapter 4

Book: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick
Chapter 4: The Invention of Dreams

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  1. Hugo went to the Film Academy Library.
  2. A small woman did not let Hugo enter the Film Academy Library.
  3. Hugo saw Etienne at the Film Academy Library.
  4. The name of the small woman is Madame Maurier.
  5. Etienne is studying to be a cameraman.
  6. The library was on the second floor.
  7. Etienne handed Hugo the book, “The Invention of Dreams: The Story of the First Movies Ever Made.”
  8. Rene Tabard was the author of the book, “The Invention of Dreams: The Story of the First Movies Ever Made.”
  9. The book, The Invention of Dreams: The Story of the First Movies Ever Made, was written in 1930.
  10. The first movie made was called “A Train Arrives in the Station.”
  11. The audience was afraid as the train came towards the movie screen.
  12. Hugo’s father’s favorite movie was “A Trip to the Moon.”
  13. Georges Melies created the movie, “A Trip to the Moon.”
  14. Georges Melies owned a theater of magic in Paris, France.
  15. Answers will vary
  16. Answers will vary

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick, Chapter 3

Book: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick
Chapter 3: The Plan

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  1. Hugo took Papa Georges keys from his coat.
  2. Answers will vary
  3. Early in the morning Hugo went to go see Monsieur Labisse.
  4. For Hugo’s second visit he visited The Film Academy Library.

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick, Chapter 2

Book: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick
Chapter 2: The Armoire

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  1. Answers will vary
  2. Isabelle and Hugo found a box in the armoire and drawings inside of it.
  3. Answers will vary
  4. Answers will vary
  5. Answers will vary

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick, Chapter 1

Book: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick
Chapter 1: The Signature

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  1. Answers will vary
  2. The automaton signed Georges Melies’ name when it was done drawing.
  3. Answers will vary
  4. Hugo hurt his fingers by trying to keep Isabelle’s apartment door open.
  5. Answers will vary
  6. Isabelle’s key necklace belonged to Mama Jeanne.
  7. Answers will vary

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick, Chapter 12

Book: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick
Chapter 12: The Message

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  1. Hugo wanted Isabelle’s key because her key would allow the mechanical man to operate/function.
  2. Isabelle opened the door to Hugo’s apartment.
  3. Answers will vary
  4. Isabelle turned the key on the automaton.
  5. Answers will vary
  6. Answers will vary

Friday, February 3, 2017

Electrical Parade is coming home by Brady MacDonald

Source: Los Angeles Times
Date: Sunday, December 25, 2016
Article: Electrical Parade is coming home
Writer: Brady MacDonald

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1. The Main Street Electrical Parade is coming back to Disneyland.
2. The Main Street Electrical Parade will return to Disneyland on January 20, 2017.
3. The Main Street Electrical Parade was at Florida's Magic Kingdom theme park.
4. The Main Street Electrical Parade made its debut in 1972.
5. Ronald Miziker was the director of show development in 1971.
6. Robert Jani was the vice president of the park's entertainment division in 1971.
7. There were 3 reasons the Main Street Electrical Parade almost didn't debut back in 1972.   First reason, a third of the floats weren't done.  Second, sparks flew on a performer's costume.  Third, one parade car crashed into a building.
8. True, the electrical parade was developed out of jealously from Disneyland executives towards the Florida park.
9. In 1971, Disneyland welcome its 100 millionth visitor.
10. Robert Jani and Ronald Miziker sketched the concept for the electrical parade.
11. The first challenge, getting the power to the lights, onboard sound systems and power drives for each parade unit.  The second challenge, how to decorate and build the floats.  The third challenge, getting all the lights along the parade route to simultaneously turn off: creating "sound zones" that synched the music with each passing float.
12. Baroque Hoedown is the name of the song the Main Street Electrical Parade plays.
13. Miziker hired 14 moving vans to get the floats from Chicago to Los Angeles.
14. 500,000 miniature bulbs needed to be tinted by hand when assembling the floats.
15. The first rehearsal was an "absolute disaster" because (1) Cinderella's canopy of lights collapsed, (2) two horseback riders dropped an illuminated banner, (3) a float crashed into a building.
16. The Main Street Electrical Parade took its first break on summer of 1975 & 1976.
17. The Main Street Electrical Parade took its second break in 1983 & 1984.
18. The Main Street Electrical Parade was retired in 1996.
19. The Main Street Electrical Parade returned to Disney California Adventure Park in 2001.
20. The Main Street Electrical Parade was shipped to the Magic Kingdom in 2011.
21. Ronald Miziker started his own theme park design and production firm in Burbank.


Army has crushed extremists, Nigeria says by Robyn Dixon

Source: Los Angeles Times
Date: Sunday, December 25, 2016
Article: Army has crushed extremists, Nigeria says
Writer: Robyn Dixon

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1. Muhammadu Buhari is president of Nigeria.
2. The Sambisa Forest is in Nigeria with the border with Cameroon.
3. The name of Boko Haram's camp is called Camp Zero.
4. 196 girls have been kidnapped by Boko Haram.
5. The Nigerian military rescued 1,880 prisoners from the Sambisa Forest.
6. 564 Boko Haram fighters were arrested.
7. Boko Haram abducted 276 girls in April 2014.
8. Abubakar Shekau is the leader of Boko Haram.
9. Boko Haram started in 2003.
10. Boko Haram wants to impose an Islamic State.
11. 14 million people have fled their homes because of the trouble caused by Boko Haram.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

U.S. move on Israel may backfire by Tracy Wilkinson

Newspaper: Los Angeles Times
Date: Sunday, December 25, 2016
Article: U.S. move on Israel may backfire
Writer: Tracy Wilkinson

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  1. President-Elect Donald Trump plans to roll back numerous U.S. policies that were aimed at promoting peace.
  2. Israel is going to hold back from contributing to the U.N.
  3. Israel has called back ambassadors from countries that backed the resolution.
  4. Answers will vary
  5. Egypt, New Zealand, Malaysia, Senegal, and Venezuela wrote the U.N. resolution against Israel.
  6. The rest of the world considers the expansion of settlements illegal.
  7. The settlements by Israel undermines the two-state solution.
  8. The law would retroactively legalize Israeli settlements built illegally on Palestinian-owned land.
  9. Donald Trump plans to place a pro-settlement attorney as U.S. ambassador to Israel.
  10. Donald Trump plans to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
  11. East of Jerusalem is the city Palestinians claim to be their capital.


The Samoan Way by Christopher Reynolds

Newspaper: Los Angeles Times
Date: Sunday, December 25, 2016
Article: The Samoan Way
Writer: Christopher Reynolds

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  1. The National Park of American Samoa is located in Tutuila, Ta’u and Ofu.
  2. The National Park of American Samoa gets 13,892 visitors.
  3. The National Park of American Samoa’s greatest asset is a beach on Ofu.
  4. Samoa is 11 hours by plane from California.
  5. The National Park of American Samoa is 13,000 acres.
  6. The rainforest is 9,000 acres.
  7. The coral reef is 4,000 acres.
  8. The average household incomes by the park is $24,000.
  9. Yes, the National Park of American Samoa is a rental.
  10. The lease of the National Park of American Samoa, includes several local villages, is 50 years.
  11. The villagers get $600,000 a year from the lease revenue.
  12. The National Park Service spends $2,000,000 to run the park.
  13. Answers will vary


Trump tweets upset stock prices by Michael Hiltzik

Newspaper: Los Angeles Times
Date: Sunday, December 25, 2016
Article: Trump tweets upset stock prices
Writer: Michael Hiltzik

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  1. The first negative tweet from Donald Trump was directed to Boeing.
  2. Boeing was building two planes for the government.
  3. Donald Trump was trying to get back at Boeing Chief Executive Dennis Muilenburg.
  4. The second negative tweet from Donald Trump was directed to Lockheed Martin.
  5. Christopher Bouzy is saying that Donald Trump’s inner circle can benefit from Trump’s tweets in the Stock Market.
  6. Answers will vary


Branding out in Silicon Valley by Tracey Lien

Newspaper: Los Angeles Times
Date: Sunday, December 25, 2016
Article: Branding out in Silicon Valley
Writer: Tracey Lien

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  1. Thomas Harman is CEO of Balsam Hill.
  2. Balsam Hill is 11 years old.
  3. Balsam Hill produces fake Christmas trees.
  4. Harman got his MBA from Stanford University.
  5. Balsam Hill started in Harman’s guest bedroom in his Palo Alto apartment.
  6. Thomas Harman has been an angel investor in ManCrates, OkCupid, and Spot Hero.
  7. Balsam Hill will generate $100 million this year.
  8. Balsam Hill has 125 employees.
  9. Balsam Hill has offices in California, Idaho, Ireland, and the Philippines.
  10. Balsam Hill is the biggest maker of high-end-artificial Christmas trees.
