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Monday, December 29, 2014

Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

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Answers- Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

Chapter 1
1. Ho Chi Minh City
2. Vietnam
3. Cairo
4. Egypt
5. Nguyen Xuan
6. Café Dong Khai Street
7. A sprite/fairy
8. He broke his fingers
9. I have a proposition for you
10. Irish Whiskey
11. $20,000
12. her book
13. he gave her holywater with Irish Whiskey
14. photograph it

Chapter 2
1. to get gold
2. fairies
3. fairy language
4. Angeline Fowl
5. Austria
6. Anubis, representation
7. Open
8. Fairy, Egyptian
9. King of the fairies
10. yes

Chapter 3
1. Holly Short
2. Underground to hear the earth’s core at Haven City
3. Cop
4. A cow
5. Express rides to the surface
6. Mach 2
7. White hot-magma
8. Humans
9. Camouflaged mound of earth
10. Fairies vibrate while they fly and humans attribute it to evaporation
11. Restaurant/party
12. Blinded him with the light on her helmet

Chapter 4
1. Mesmer
2. Shot her with a tranquilizer
3. Ireland
4. 10,000 years ago
5. Eiriu
6. Snow White
7. They are dead to their own kind
8. Arty

Chapter 5
1. Root
2. Open
3. Open
4. Reprogrammed it
5. Called them names
6. To sell his shares in the shuttle port
7. Boat
8. Reprogramming the wristband locator
9. Blew it up

Chapter 6
1. No
2. A pillow or her husband
3. Acorn
4. Artemis said he was going to separate fairies from their gold
5. Sodium pentathol
6. A biological bomb
7. A helmet made from Holly’s helmet
8. They were sent back
9. Today we have satellites that measure time and in the past there wasn’t that sophisticated technology
10. Warlocks
11. no

Chapter 7
1. He can tunnel and they need him to rescue Captain Short
2. (open) Mulch and the goblins fought
3. Julius
4. Yes
5. Wine cellar
6. Hair
7. Yes
8. We don’t know
9. no

Chapter 8
1. a dwarf
2. centaur
3. professors
4. a troll
5. (open) so Fowl will ask for help
6. Butler
7. Butler
8. Yes
9. Butler beat the troll and sent him outside the manor

Chapter 9
1. Yes
2. Champagne
3. A bio-bomb
4. Magic because they survived the bio-bomb
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. By falling asleep
10. Angeline Fowl
11. $15 million
12. Mulch
13. B) Monte Carlo-Manhattan

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