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Sunday, January 1, 2017

9 Algorithms That Changed The Future by John MacCormick

Book: 9 Algorithms That changed The Future
Author: John MacCormick

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1. An algorithm is a precise recipe that specifies the exact sequence of steps required to solve a problem. (page 3)
2. Matching and ranking (page 10)
3. Live Search (page 11)
4. Bing (page 11)
5. Infoseek and Lycos (page 12)
6. Alta Vista (page 12)
7. Indexing (page 12)
8. True (page 14)
9. How suitable or useful a given page is, in response to a particular query. (page 17)
10. It’s a query that shows the page the word appears and it’s location on the page. (page 15)
11. Hewlett-Packard (page 24)
12. Dave Hewlett (page 24)
13. Apple Computers (page 24)
14. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak (page 24)
15. Google (page 24)
16. Larry Page and Sergey Brin (page 24)
17. Page Rank (page 25)
18. It is an algorithm that ranks web pages by its relevance (page 25)
19. It is when a search engine counts the number of hyperlinks going to a certain page (page 25)
20. authoritative (page 27)
21. Web pages that have incoming links from high “authority” pages.  These pages willhave higher ranking than links from pages with low authority. (page 27)
22.  A cycle is when you get back to your starting point by clicking on hyperlinks. (page 29)
23. It is the percentage of time that a random surfer would spend visiting that page (page 32)
24. Unwanted pages that clutter the results of a web search.  (page 36)
25. Two computers communicating with a common secret (page 41)
26. A Key (page 42)
27. To unlock (page 42)
28. The inventors: Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman (page 60)
29. 1) computations 2) store data  3) transmit data (page 60)
30. code words (page 66)
31. symbols (page 66)
32. Pattern recognition is a subset or artificial intelligence and includes tasks such as face recognition, object recognition, speech recognition, and handwriting recognition (page 80)
33. Explicit teaching and learning from examples (page 82)
34. A lossless algorithm takes the data file and compresses it to a fraction of its original size.  Then decompresses it to its exact original form without changes. (page 106)
35. It is an algorithm that compresses a file to a fraction of its original size.  Then decompresses it with slight changes to its original form.
36. Megapixel (page 106)
37. They remove redundancy from a message or file (page 116)
38. A) efficiency  B)  reliability   (page 123)
39. Write-Ahead (page 129)
40. A) VeriSign   B) GlobalSign   C) GeoTrust (page 172)
41. Digital Signatures (page 173)
42. Executable (page 180)
43. It means you can run the program (page 180)
44. They are protocols that use special type of cryptography (page 201)
45. They let two or more entities combine information without revealing any of the individual pieces of information (page 201)
46. They are tables for storing information in a peer-to-peer system (page 201)
47. It is an algorithm that “allows certain computer systems to tolerate any type of error whatsoever, as long as there are not too many simultaneous errors” (page 201)
48. MD5 (page 202)

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