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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Aani and the Tree Huggers by Jeannine Atkins

Book: Aani and the Tree Huggers
Author: Jeannine Atkins
ISBN: 1-880000-24-5

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1. Her grandfather constantly complained in Aani's house that drowned out her own thinking.
2. Aani's sister constantly gossiped in Aani's house that drowned out her own thinking.
3. The Himalayas is the name of the snow-capped mountains by her village.
4. Answers will vary
5. The loud roar was a truck.
6. The men were in a distant field cutting stalks of rice.
7. Aani's mother was by the river.
8. Aani's mother described the truck as "a gigantic and swift cart."
9. Kalawati was the oldest person in the village.
10. The men in the truck were there to cut the trees.
11. Aani ran towards the men in the truck.
12. The men began to cut down the trees.
13. Kalawati cried "stop."
14. Kalawati said to the men that the trees give them fruit, their wood provides for their housing, plows, and hoes.  She also said that their roots keep the land from sliding when it rains.
15. Aani saw spirits.
16. Kalawati tried to stop the man with the ax.
17. Aani pressed and hugged a tree.
18. All the women from the village began hugging trees.
19. The man from the truck offered them 1,000 rupees for them to go away.
20. 1,000 rupees can buy you a goat, new scythes for cutting rice or enough tea and sugar for everyone to last for a year.
21. Answers will vary

Author's Note

22. The story took place in Northern India.
23. This story took place in the 1970s.
24. This movement was known as the "Hug the Tree Movement."
25. The Chipko Andolan is known as "Hug the Tree Movement."

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