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Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Song for Cecilia Fantini by Cynthia Astor

Book: A Song for Cecilia Fantini
Author: Cynthia Astor
ISBN: 0-915811-75-8

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Answer Key
1. The story takes place in Willoughby Island.
2. Cecilia Fantini holds music lessons at her house.
3. Mrs. Fantini taught music for 40 years at the elementary school.
4. Emmaline has been studying piano and voice for 4 years.
5. Emmaline was Mrs. Fantini's star pupil.
6. Their favorite song was an old welsh air.
7. Mrs. Fantini was almost eighty.
8. Mrs. Fantini died by having a heart attack.
9. Mrs. Fantini died on Tuesday.
10. Friday was the day of the funeral.
11. Yes, it looked like the whole island was there.
12. Emmaline said to the casket, "Good-bye, Mrs. Fantini.  I shall never forget you."
13. Emmaline couldn't quite see Mrs. Fantini's face anymore and she couldn't quite hear her voice.
14. Emmaline felt disloyal because she was beginning to forget Mrs. Fantini.
15. Emmaline refused to take lessons from Augustus McQuin.
16. Emmaline would think about the duets with Mrs. Fantini.
17. Emmaline asked Morris Kiminski for help to find a way for everyone to remember Mrs. Fantini.
18. Emmaline got a sand dollar shell for Mrs. Fantini's grave.
19. Mr. Morris got a blue stone as smooth as glass for Mrs. Fantini's grave.
20. Isabella Starling owns the village bookstore.
21. The children know the village bookstore owner as Star.
22. Saturday is storytelling hour.
23. Star writes Mrs. Fantini a letter and places it on a kite, then she flies (sends) it up to the clouds.
24. False, Emmaline didn't fly her her kite at Ten Mile Point.
25. False, Star didn't fly her kite at South Bluff.
26. True, Star flew her kite at Ten Mile Point.
27. True, Emmaline flew her kite at South Bluff.
28. Answers will vary
29. Answers will vary

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