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Monday, August 10, 2015

Young Cam Jansen and the Baseball Mystery

Book: Young Cam Jansen and the Baseball Mystery
Author: David A. Adler
ISBN: 0-670-88481-2


Answer Key
1. The boy's name is Eric Shelton.
2. She yelled because Eric was about to step into a puddle.
3. The children were riding bicycles.
4. The baseball almost hit Eric.
5. The dog stopped the ball with his feet, picked up the ball with his teeth, then ran it back.
6. Robert had the list.
7. She does this to help her remember.
8. Cam
9. Jennifer
10. camera
11. Robert and Rachel
12. Amy
13. Robert
14. Rachel
15. Dara
16. He found an empty soda can.
17. Robert
18. They have to look for a dog.
19. Cam thinks the dog took the wrong ball.
20. Yes
21. Yes
22. The girl's name is Cam Jansen.
23. Some people were sitting at the park, while others were reading, talking and resting.
24. Children were flying kites.
25. A dog almost ran into Eric.
26. Robert and Rachel were at the baseball field.
27. He left the 1st at school.
28. Cam has an amazing memory.
29. Jane, Annie, and Evan
30. Because of her great memory
31. Jane, Annie, and Evan
32. Cam and Eric
33. Amy
34. Cam
35. a rolled-up piece of paper
36. Eric
37. A girl and a boy
38. Yes, he did
39. Robert
40. They found the dog in the open field
41. Rachel

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