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Monday, August 10, 2015

Who Was Albert Einstein? by Jess Brallier

Book: Who Was Albert Einstein?
Author: Jess Brallier
ISBN 978-0-448-42496-5


Answer Key

Introduction: Who Was Albert Einstein?

1. No
2. Yes
3. False

Chapter 1: Born to Think

4. 1879
5. Germany
6. 3 or 4 years old
7. True
8. Ulm
9. Answers will vary
10. Answers will vary
11. Answers will vary
12. 10 years old
13. the violin
14. Munich
15. Maja

Chapter 2: What’s to be Done with a Genius?

16. 10
17. Soldiers
18. a) Sergeants      b) because they yelled out orders
19. a) math  b) because you had to think the math problem through
20. Algebra
21. No one, he taught himself
22. Geometry
23. Answers will vary
24. Max Talmey
25. Jewish
26. pork
27. Answers will vary
28. Answers will vary
29. 15 years
30. 1894
31. Italy
32. Answers will vary
33. He didn't respect authority

Chapter 3: Albert Takes a Very Deep Breath... and Keeps Thinking

34. Answers will vary
35. A Polish Astronomer
36. 1473-1543
37. He believed the earth orbited around the sun and not vice versa.
38. Galileo Galilei
39. As a teenager
40. 1543
41. Scientist do this for other scientists could learn about their ideas and thoughts.
42. True
43. The study of the science of objects, their energy, and the way they move.
44. Explain your response
45. The students were encouraged to ask questions.
46. Answers will vary
47. Swiss Federal Polytechnic, Zurich
48. Mileva Maric
49. 1900
50. A Physics Teacher
51. The Swiss Patent Office

Chapter 4:The Best Years

52. Answers will vary
53. Reading the applications for new inventions.
54. Dimensions are the three ways of measuring.
55. Albert threw in time
56. 1903
57. True
58. The University of Zurich, 1909
59. It is everthing-except light-travels at different speeds depending upon different situations.
60. True
61. True
62. Russia
63. Energy
64. mass
65. The amount of matter in something.
66. It is a little like weight.
67. speed of light

Chapter 5: Albert Hits High Gear

68. Mileva
69. False
70. A University in Berlin
71. 12, 8
72. Yes
73. 2
74. 1922
75. Hans Albert
76. Eduard
77. A science professor in California
78. mental illness
79. Albert's cousin
80. Mileva
81. 1914
82. Russia
83. They got arrested.
84. Russia, France and England
85. 1918
86. Switzerland

Chapter 6: War...Again

87. Palestine
88. The mayor of New York City
89. President Warren Harding
90. The Nazi Party
91. The Nazi Party
92. Japan
93. "One Hundred Authors Against Einstein by the Nazi Party"
94. The National Socialist Party
95. Adolf Hitler
96. a normal life; they couldn't go to school, own property, or worship
97. 6 million
98. 1931
99. 1931
100. 1933
101. Caputh, Germany
102. Belgium
103. The Nazi's had a large reward offered for his murder there.
104. Princeton University
105. Mathematics
106. $16,000
107. 54 years old
108. 1936
109. 1939
110. 1945
111. 80,000
112. 3 days later
113. Nagasaki
114. France and the U.S.
115. Italy and Japan
116. 1940
117. "The Unifed Field Theory"

Chapter 7: Albert's Time Is Up

118. 1948
119. The Nation of Israel
120. The Hebrew University in Jerusalem
121. 1955

Chapter 8: A Final Thought

122. Wichita, Kansas
123. He had it in two pieces in two jars.
124. smaller
125. 15% wider
126. They were unusual
127. Albert's granddaughter, Evelyn

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