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Monday, December 14, 2015

Hansel and Gretel by Jane Ray

Book: Hansel and Gretel
Author: Jane Ray
ISBN: 0-7636-0358-9

1. The children's names are Hansel and Gretel.
2. Answers will vary
3. He was horrified by the idea.
4. Answers will vary
5. Hansel gathered little white pebbles that glowed like silver coins in the moonlight.
6. Their stepmother woke them up the next day.
7. Hansel looked back at his little white cat.
8. The woodcutter used brushwood and pinecones to create a fire.
9. Hansel looked for the glowing pebbles that he dropped on their way into the forest.
10. Answers will vary
11. The door was locked and Hansel couldn't get the pebbles.
12. Answers will vary
13. The birds ate all the crumbs that Hansel dropped as a trail.
14. The children ate wild berries.
15. Hansel and Gretel saw a beautiful snow-white bird.
16. The bird led them to a gingerbread house.
17. Answers will vary
18. They broke off the shutter, roof tiles, and handfuls of sugar, marzipan, chocolate and gingerbread.
19. She was dressed in tatters with cobwebs and spiders clinging to her skirt.
20. The old lady offered them milk and pancakes with sugar, apples, and nuts.
21. The children went to sleep on beautiful beds.
22. witch
23. The witch built the gingerbread house to lure children.
24. Witches are red and they can't see very far.
25. Witches smell is as keen as an animal.
26. This witch preferred to eat children.
27. She put him in a cage.
28. The witch made Gretel cook for her brother.
29. The witch gave Gretel bones and scraps.
30. Hansel would give her a bone to trick her so she wouldn't cook him.
31. Gretel told the witch she didn't know how to check the oven.  So the witch went into the oven to demonstrate.  Then Gretel locked her in.
32. She rescued her brother.
33. The children took gold and jewels.
34. Hansel and Gretel got helped from a duck.
35. He was overjoyed to have them back.
36. Answers will vary
37. Answers will vary
38. Answers will vary
39. Answers will vary
40. Answers will vary

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