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Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Journey to Zasha

 Here are 10 multiple-choice questions for Chapters 1-3 of the story "The Journey to Zasha."

### Chapter 1

1. **What do Yuki and Mikhail have in common that helps them become friends?**

   - A) They both love playing sports.

   - B) They both were forced to leave their homes due to war.

   - C) They both have siblings in the camp.

   - D) They both want to become writers.

   - **Answer:** B) They both were forced to leave their homes due to war.

2. **What is the name of Mikhail's dog?**

   - A) Pepper

   - B) Sasha

   - C) Zasha

   - D) Toto

   - **Answer:** C) Zasha

3. **Why do Yuki and Mikhail decide to help bring Zasha to America?**

   - A) Because Zasha has special abilities.

   - B) Because Zasha symbolizes hope and friendship for them.

   - C) Because they want to train Zasha for a dog competition.

   - D) Because they plan to sell Zasha for money.

   - **Answer:** B) Because Zasha symbolizes hope and friendship for them.

### Chapter 2

4. **How do Yuki and Mikhail plan to communicate with Nikolai about Zasha's journey?**

   - A) By sending a telegram.

   - B) By writing letters with secret routes and directions.

   - C) By using a radio transmission.

   - D) By traveling back to Russia themselves.

   - **Answer:** B) By writing letters with secret routes and directions.

5. **Why are Yuki and Mikhail concerned about sending the letter?**

   - A) They are worried it might not reach Nikolai.

   - B) They are worried the guards will read and stop it.

   - C) They are worried they wrote it in the wrong language.

   - D) They are worried they might forget to send it.

   - **Answer:** B) They are worried the guards will read and stop it.

6. **What do Yuki and Mikhail hope to find when Zasha arrives?**

   - A) A message from their families.

   - B) A hidden treasure.

   - C) The spirit of home and comfort.

   - D) A new adventure.

   - **Answer:** C) The spirit of home and comfort.

### Chapter 3

7. **Who offers to help Yuki and Mikhail with their plan to bring Zasha to the camp?**

   - A) The camp commander.

   - B) Kenji, a Nisei working with the camp’s security.

   - C) A mysterious stranger outside the fence.

   - D) A teacher at the camp school.

   - **Answer:** B) Kenji, a Nisei working with the camp’s security.

8. **What is the purpose of the distraction planned by Kenji?**

   - A) To help Yuki and Mikhail escape from the camp permanently.

   - B) To draw the guards' attention away so Yuki and Mikhail can retrieve Zasha.

   - C) To allow them to sneak food into the camp.

   - D) To create chaos and confusion in the camp.

   - **Answer:** B) To draw the guards' attention away so Yuki and Mikhail can retrieve Zasha.

9. **What is the main risk Yuki and Mikhail face if they are caught during their plan?**

   - A) They will be sent back to their original homes.

   - B) They will be punished, and Zasha might be taken away.

   - C) They will lose their friendship with Kenji.

   - D) They will not be allowed to attend school.

   - **Answer:** B) They will be punished, and Zasha might be taken away.

10. **How does Mikhail feel about the plan to bring Zasha to America?**

    - A) Confident but indifferent about the consequences.

    - B) Anxious but determined because Zasha is like family to him.

    - C) Excited about a new adventure but unsure about Zasha.

    - D) Scared and unwilling to take the risk.

    - **Answer:** B) Anxious but determined because Zasha is like family to him.

These questions focus on key plot points and character motivations from the first three chapters of the story.

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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The San Fernando Valley, America's Suburb, Chapter 2

Book: The San Fernando Valley, America's Suburb
Author: Kevin Roderick
ISBN: 1-883792-55X

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Chapter 2: Early Arrivals

Answer Key

1. There were 64 men in Gaspar de Portola's expedition.
2. There were about 200 men, women, and children living in the San Fernando Valley in 1769.
3. Tongva is the name of the natives who lived in the San Fernando Valley in 1769.
4. The Tongva Village was located in Encino.
5. Tujunga is the name of the village where legend said the wife of the chief 'Ra'wiyawi turned herself to stone out a grief for her children who had died.
6. St. Catherine of Bononia was the name of the catholic feast day Portola's weary explorers and the Tongva first met.
7. El Valle de Santa Catalina de Bononia de los Encinos is the name the explorers gave the San Fernando Valley.
8. Rio Porciuncula was the Los Angeles River named by the Spaniards.
9. Los Encinos is the name that represented the San Fernando Valley on Spanish maps.
10. Jose Maria Verdugo was the name of army corporal who was given 36,000 acres in a Spanish land grant.
11. The name of the land grant was called "Rancho San Rafael."
12. Mariano Verdugo set up Rancho Portesuelo.
13. Francisco Reyes set up a ranch by the spring at Los Encinos.
14. Maybe, yes, Francisco Reyes was black.
15. Francisco Reyes had a herd of livestock, an adobe house, fields of beans, and watermelon by 1795.
16. Francisco Reyes' house became the first building at Mission San Francisco, Rey de España.
17. Ferdinand III the person the Mission San Fernando, Rey de España was named after.
18. Ferdinand III is the name of the Spanish King who had vanquished the Moors in 1248.
19. Ferdinand III was made a saint because he vanquished the Moors from Spain in 1248.
20. 1,586 natives were baptized in the early years of the mission.
21. 2,081 natives died at the mission.
22. 147 baptisms and 13 marriages took place the first year the mission was built.
23. The San Fernando Mission covered 130 native settlements.
24. 541 natives lived at San Fernando Rey when the 18th century ended.
25. No, was a native once baptized able to leave the mission without permission.
26. Don Francisco Lopez discovered gold in California in1842.
27. Placerita Canyon was where the first gold nugget was discovered in California.
28. President Abraham Lincoln, in 1862, ordered that the San Fernando Mission be given back to the Roman Catholic Church.
29. 1941 was the year when the San Fernando Mission was restored.
30. General Manuel Victoria was the governor of this area after Mexico's independence from Spain in 1822.
31. The government troops and the rebels met in Studio City.
32. True, after the fight in Studio City, Victoria returned to Mexico and resigned as governor.
33. Jose Manuel Micheltorena is the Mexican Governor who marched an army of 500 men in the valley in 1845.
34. Pio Pico did the provincial assembly that voted for to replace Micheltorena.
35. John Sutter was a famous Northern Californian who fought with Micheltorena.
36. Micheltorena was put on a ship and sent to Mexico.
37. Pio Pico was born in Mission San Gabriel.
38. Pio Pico was born in 1801.
39. People called Pio Pico "La Breva Aplastada" in his younger days.
40. People called Pio Pico "El Oso Sentado" when he grew a beard.
41. Pio Pico gave Tiburcio Cayo, Francisco Papabubaba and Roman a large land grant square and called it Rancho Encino.
42. Rancho El Escorpion was given to Odon Chihuya, Urbano Chari, and Manuel.
43. 40-50 local natives possibly from the Huwan nation lived at Rancho el Escorpion.
44. Andres Pico leased the valley for $1,120 a year.
45. Governor Andres Pico sold the San Fernando Valley $14,000.
46. Eulogio de Celis bought the San Fernando Valley.
47. Pio Pico left to Mexico in 1846 when it became clear that California would fall.
48. Colonel John C. Fremont led a Bear Flag Battalion into the valley in 1847.
49. The Capitulation of Cahuenga was signed January 13, 1847.
50. Tiburcio Vasquez was the name of the famous bandit that stayed at Andres Pico's house.
51. Juan Flores killed Los Angeles Sheriff James Barton.
52. Alexander Bell and David Alexander purchased Rancho Providencia.
53. Rancho Providencia had part of Rancho Portesuelo.
54. Rancho Providencia was purchased in 1851.
55. The former owner of Rancho Providencia took over Rancho Encino.
56. Vicente de la Osa was the name of the former owner of Rancho Providencia.
57. Phineas Banning opened new route at the San Fernando Pass in 1854.
58. Edward F. Beale led camels through the Newhall Pass in 1863.
59. "Devil's Slide" is located in Santa Susana Pass.
60. In 1851, El Camino Real was declared a public highway.
61. When El Camino Real was declared a public highway, it also had its name change to Camino de las Virgenes.
62. Geronimo Lopez and his wife, Catalina, ran Lopez Station.
63. Eugene Garnier and his brother Philippe purchased Rancho Encino around 1869.
64. Eulogio de Celis died in 1869 that brought even more changes to the valley.
65. Eulogio de Celis and Pio Pico owned half of the 181 square miles of valley land.
66. Isaac Lankershim purchased Pio Pico's share of the valley.
67. Isaac Lankershim came to Sacramento from West Prussia and went into farming.
68. Isaac Lankershim paid $115,000 for Pio Pico's share.
69. The valley was divided by the southern section being given to Lankershim and the northern section given to the de Celis heirs.
70. Lankershim's investor's group was called the San Fernando Farm Homestead Association.
71. Levi Strauss was one of the investors.
72. Lankershim and investors paid $2 an acre.
73. Leland Stanford and Charles Maclay partnered together to buy the northern part of the valley.
74. Charles Maclay found Bay Area town of Saratoga.
75. The de Celis family sold the northern part of the San Fernando Valley, all 56,000 acres, for $117,500.
76. The price per acre is $2.
77. Maclay erected the town of San Fernando.
78. The road from San Fernando to the Mission was named the Stanford Avenue.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

The San Fernando Valley, America's Suburb by Kevin Roderick, Chapter 1

Book: The San Fernando Valley, America's Suburb
Author: Kevin Roderick
ISBN: 1-883792-55X

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Chapter 1: The Land

Answer Key

1. The San Fernando Valley is 20 miles long.
2. The width of the San Fernando Valley is 12 miles.
3. San Francisco, Washington D.C. and Boston can fit in the San Fernando Valley.
4. Menton Neggen settled in a fledgling Scandinavian settlement with the Biblical name of Zelzah.
5. In 1914 is the year Van Nuys flooded.
6. In 1929 the Pacoima Canyon dam was built.
7. In 1931 the big Tujunga Canyon dam was built.
8. The Lankershim Boulevard Bridge collapsed in the rains of 1938.
9. Hansen Dam was built in August 17, 1940.
10. The Los Angeles River starts were two concrete streams meet behind the bleachers of the Canoga Park High School football field.
11. Hansen Dam was named after Dr. Homer Hansen, a pioneer sub-divider.
12. The Van Nuys Retention Basin took 1,000 acres of farmland and ranches.
13. The Van Nuys Retention Basin is called today the Sepulveda Dam Basin.
14. Film Actress Jane Wyman, the wife of actor Ronald Reagan, cut the ribbon at the dedication ceremony for the basin in March 1942.
15. 6.6 Magnitude was the magnitude of the 1971 earthquake.
16. The San Fernando Valley Veterans Hospital in Sylmar collapsed during the 1926 earthquake.
17. Olive View Medical Center in Sylmar fell during an earthquake.
18. The Northridge Earthquake was on January 17, 1994.

The San Fernando Valley, America's Suburb by Kevin Roderick, Introduction

Book: The San Fernando Valley, America's Suburb
Author: Kevin Roderick
ISBN: 1-883792-55X

Go to Table of Contents
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Answer Key

1. The author, Kevin Roderick, arrived to the San Fernando Valley during World War II.
2. Clark Gable played polo in the San Fernando Valley.
3. Montie Montana was the name of the cowboy who led the Northridge Stampede.
4. Montie Montana was the honorary sheriff of the valley.
5. The 5 movies filmed in the San Fernando Valley are The Birth of a Nation, It's a wonderful Life, E.T. the ExtraTerrestrial, Encino Man, and The Vals and San Fernando Valley.
6. The TV shows filmed in the San Fernando Valley are: The Lone Ranger, Real McCoys, and Brady Brunch.

10. The sheepherders came from the Basque area in Europe.
11. The orange growers were from Italy.
12. The strawberry pickers were from Japan.
13. The San Fernando Valley is named after the 13th century Spanish King.
14. The City of Burbank was named after a dentist turned land baron.
15. The City of Calabasas was named after the wild pumpkins that formerly grew there.

Friday, March 31, 2017

The Surprising history of women's tattoos by Olivia B. Waxman

Magazine: Time Magazine
Date: March 13, 2017
Article: The surprising history of women's tattoos
Page: 23
Author: Olivia B. Waxman

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Answer Key

1. Circuses and sideshows are the two entertainment sections that played an important role in female empowerment.
2. Wealthy socialites were the females in the Victorian-era who got tattooed.
3. Winston Churchill's mother, Lady Randolph Churchill was the famous British aristocrat’s that had a tattoo.
4. Cristian Petru Panaite is the curator at New York's Historical Society.
5. Answers will vary

The View, The right to speech vs. the right to censor by Bryan Walsh

Magazine: Time Magazine
Date: March 13, 2017
Article: The View, The right to speech vs. the right to censor
Page: 19
Author: Bryan Walsh

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Answer Key

1. Milo Yiannopoulos is ex-editor of Breitbart.
2. UC Berkeley is the university that canceled Milo's speech because of student protests.
3. Rutgers University in 2014 is the university that protested Condoleezza Rice's speech and forced her to cancel.
4. 40% of millennials believe the government should be able to prevent people from saying offensive things about minority groups.
5. 24% of baby boomers believe the government should be able to prevent people from saying offensive things about minority groups.
6. Answers will vary
7. Answers will vary

Hate incidents sow fear across U.S. by Charlotte Alter and Josh Sanburn

Magazine: Time Magazine
Date: March 13, 2017
Article: Hate incidents sow fear across U.S.
Page: 13
Author: Charlotte Alter and Josh Sanburn

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Answer Key

1. Michael Feinstein is CEO of Rockville Bender Jewish Community Center.
2. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Missouri are the states that vandals desecrated gravestones in Jewish cemeteries.
3. Florida and Texas are two states where mosques were set on file.
4. The FBI is the U.S. agency that has opened civil rights investigations into the Jewish Community Centers bomb threats, the Philadelphia cemetery vandalism and the Kansas shooting.
5. Hasia Diner is professor of Judaic Studies at New York University.
6. U.S. President Trump stated that the bomb threats could be a political ploy.